Enterprise Architecture
Lacota Technologies uses two types of N-Tier architecture to build file and
database driven enterprise solutions for Microsoft Operating Systems. They are
Microsoft DNA and .NET.
Our original architecture was based on Microsoft DNA (Distributed Network
Architecture). It provided us with a stable, extensible approach to building
enterprise applications that is still very powerful today.
Client Server
To understand DNA, it helps to look at an earlier way of developing network
applications - the client server model. In the client server model, an
application is divided into two parts; the application, which runs on a
workstation and; the data, which resides on a network server in some type of
database. The problem with this model is that, if you change databases, the
entire client application needs to be rebuilt and redistributed. Similarly, if
you want to change your interface from a windows forms interface to a web
interface, you need to completely rebuild and reinstall.
Microsoft DNA
Microsoft DNA fixed those shortcomings by dividing the client application into
smaller functional units or tiers; user interface, user services, business
services, data services and data source. Now, if you need to change the
database, only one small component is changed. Everything else remains
undisturbed. In DNA communication between the user/business and data tiers is
managed by messaging oriented - middleware such as MTS or MSMQ. The limitation
here is that it works well for applications running on a local network but is
not built to handle messages from the internet, through which a great deal of
today's business is done.
Microsoft .NET Architecture
The .NET architecture is similar to DNA but differs in the way it handles the
middle tiers. Instead of using messaging middleware, .NET uses SOAP, Web
Services and .NET Remoting. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is an XML
messaging framework. Messages can be sent from the internal network or the
internet and be directed to a Web Service where they are parsed into usable
At Lacota Technologies, we research new technologies and methodologies so we can
deliver cutting edge applications to our clients. At the same time, we keep
what works, even if it isn't the latest buzzword on the internet.